In this edition of The Wiser Talk, Balaji T.K. (CTO - Inditrade Scalerator) discusses the operational aspects of Banks and FinTech companies. At the time of this conversation, he was the CIO of Orange Retail Finance .
While the term FinTech has clearly caught the imagination of the wider audience in the country, there are still a number of aspects that deem further insights.
Some of these are mentioned below:
How do banks differentiate and provide services such as debit cards, credit cards, and so on? How are these different from a banking operations point of view?
How is the credit card platform, & payment ecosystem structured in the country?
How does the FinTech ecosystem collaborate and work in tandem with the Banks?
What role does RBI play in this ecosystem? How does RBI regulate/direct digital infrastructure?
Does it have the mandate and wherewithal (in terms of resources) to regulate, supervise, and direct digital infrastructure in the financial services space?